Missa de Beata Virgine



Format: high resolution 44.1 kHz, a bit depth of 16 bits

The five-part mass and the four passages of the proprium for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin come from a recently discovered codex, which has several uncommon aspects; in fact, it was not compiled by a copyist, but, in all probability, by a composer who intended to use these pieces for the liturgical service or to publish them. A study of the handwriting made it possible to identify the name of the copyist and, almost certainly, the author of the passages contained in the manuscript: the Dutch Giselin Danckerts. The knowledge of this music contributes to shedding new light on various aspects of Renaissance polyphony, such as counterpoint on still song or compositional processes, but also on the liturgical practice of the extra moenia papal chapel, i.e. outside the official ceremonial, and on that repertoire composed by some of its most eminent members, who, for reasons still unclear today, were not transcribed and handed down in the Sistine codices.




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