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A long line of trucks, sharp orders, soldiers. A day spent at war. The library in Berlin is at risk of being bombed and the Nazis decide to move the library’s assets to Poland, dividing and distributing them amongst a number of monasteries they believe to be safe. However, as we all know, history always goes its own way, namely that of the unexpected. The Red Army swallows up the Polish territory and the Berlin assets remain behind the Iron Curtain. During the period of mourning and pain after the war, nobody any longer worried about the Berlin collection, believed to have been destroyed during the final bombing raids of the war. Only many years later did the obstinacy and tenacity of a natural-history student from the British Museum result in the rediscovery of the extraordinary library collection at Cracow, in Poland. Amongst the works by Bach, Beethoven and Mozart, there was also a large collection of books of music written for the lute and, amongst these, were the only remaining copies of the first volumes printed in the history of the instrument, namely, the first and second Volumes by Francesco Spinacino, published in Venice in 1507 by Ottaviano Petrucci of Fossombrone. And, as we all know, history can sometimes be somewhat irreverent. We know little or nothing of the life of Francesco Spinacino, the author of the music contained in the two works.




Le Mouton fabuleux

Francesco Antonio Bonporti

Notti di Modena